Chapter 1

Chapter 1 - Shoulder Surgery

Shoulder pain is one of the musculoskeletal conditions impacting many people annually. While physical therapy and rest can effectively treat a minor shoulder issue, if your rotator cuff is torn, you may require shoulder surgery from a qualified orthopedic surgeon. 

At Sforzo, Dillingham, Stewart Orthopedics, + Sports Medicine, our surgeons use the latest technologies to evaluate your shoulder pain and recommend personalized treatment techniques. Read this complete guide to understand everything you need about the treatment and surgery of shoulder pain.


What is Shoulder Surgery?

Shoulder surgery is a procedure to repair or replace the damaged or worn-out parts of your shoulder joint. A shoulder joint is a ball-and-socket joint connecting your arm bone to your shoulder blade and allows for a broad movement range. Due to injury, wear and tear, or degenerative conditions, you may experience pain, stiffness, and limited mobility in your shoulder. 

In such cases, your doctor may recommend shoulder surgery. Different types of shoulder surgery depend on the extent of damage to your shoulder joint. Shoulder replacement surgery involves removing the damaged or worn-out parts of the joint and replacing them with artificial components. 

Partial shoulder replacement surgery involves replacing only the damaged part of the joint and preserving the remaining natural joint components. Shoulder surgery aims to relieve your pain, restore your shoulder function, and improve your quality of life. 

Before the procedure, our experienced surgeon administers general or regional anesthesia to make you comfortable and numb. During the surgery, the professional makes an incision in your shoulder to access the joint and remove the damaged parts. They carefully replace these parts with artificial components.

After the surgery, you require physical therapy to regain your shoulder strength and mobility. Our surgeon prescribes pain medications to manage discomfort when recovering. The recovery timeline depends on the surgery type, but most patients improve their shoulder function within a few weeks to months.

Main Parts of the Shoulder Surgery

The shoulder consists of various bones, ligaments, muscles, and tendons that work together for multiple movements. Your shoulder’s top is known as the acromion. This is a bony prominence at the top of your shoulder blade and plays a role in shoulder movements and stability.

The front part of the shoulder is where the arm bone and the shoulder blade meet to form the glenohumeral joint. This joint is responsible for most shoulder movements and is located at the center of your shoulder.

Besides the bones, the shoulder is comprised of multiple ligaments and muscles. The ligaments hold the bones together and provide stability to the joint, while the muscles generate the force necessary for movement.

During shoulder surgery, our surgeon may repair or replace different parts of your shoulder depending on your treatment needs. For example, if the joint is damaged, the doctor may insert artificial components to replace the damaged parts. Repair or reattachment may be necessary if your ligaments or muscles are damaged.

What are the 3 Types of Shoulder Surgeries?

There are three primary types of shoulder surgeries. Each of these procedures addresses specific conditions and injuries of the shoulder. They include the following:


Arthroscopy is a surgical procedure to treat various shoulder issues. This minimally invasive surgery involves using a small camera and instruments to visualize and treat problems within the shoulder joint, including:

  • Rotator cuff tears
  • Shoulder impingement
  • Shoulder instability
  • Shoulder osteoarthritis

Shoulder Joint Replacement

Shoulder joint replacement treats severe shoulder issues, such as shoulder arthritis or a shoulder joint damaged due to injury. This procedure involves removing the damaged parts of the shoulder joint and replacing them with artificial components or implants.

During the surgery at Sforzo, Dillingham, Stewart Orthopedics + Medicine, our doctor makes an incision in your shoulder and removes the damaged parts of the joint. The surgeon uses special surgical tools and techniques to position and secure the new artificial components in the joint.

Rotator Cuff Repair Surgery

This is a shoulder surgery to treat rotator cuff injuries in the shoulder. A rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons attaching the arm bone to the shoulder blade. They provide stability and strength to your shoulder joint.

During rotator cuff repair surgery, our board-certified orthopedic surgeon makes an incision in your shoulder and repairs the damaged tendons or muscles of the rotator cuff. The surgical technique our doctor uses depends on the extent of your injury and personalized needs.

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 - Rotator Cuff

According to a 2020 study, about three million individuals in the United States suffered a rotator cuff tear. If you have this condition, consult our experts at Sforzo, Dillingham, Stewart Orthopedics + Sports Medicine for treatment recommendations.

What is a Rotator Cuff?

A rotator cuff is a group of four muscles and their tendons attaching the upper arm bone (humerus) to the shoulder blade (scapula). These muscles and tendons provide stability to the shoulder joint, allowing you to lift and rotate your arm.

The rotator cuff muscles include the subscapularis, infraspinatus, supraspinatus, and teres minor. These muscles support the shoulder joint for smooth and controlled arm movements.

The rotator cuff can be susceptible to injury, especially as you age. The rotator cuff tendons can get damaged or frayed, leading to rotator cuff pain. You experience this pain in the shoulder and may radiate down the arm. The location of rotator cuff pain may vary, depending on the affected rotator cuff muscle or tendon.

If you experience rotator cuff pain or weakness in your shoulder, consult our surgeons at Sforzo, Dillingham, Stewart Orthopedics + Sports Medicine immediately. Early treatment prevents further injury, leading to the best outcome for your shoulder treatment.

Main Parts of Rotator Cuff

The rotator cuff consists of four primary parts working together to provide stability and allow joint shoulder movement. These parts include the muscles, tendons, bursae, and bones.

The 4 rotator cuff muscles originate from the scapula and attach to the upper arm bone (humerus) via their tendons. The tendons connect the muscles to the bone and transmit the force generated by the muscles to the bone.

Bursae (tiny fluid-filled sacs) are also located in the rotator cuff area. They help to reduce friction between the tendons and other structures in the shoulder, contributing to smooth movement.

What is the Rotator Cuff Mainly Composed of?

The rotator cuff is mainly composed of four muscles and their tendons. These components stabilize the shoulder joint, enabling arm movements.

The muscles and tendons support the shoulder joint for smooth and controlled arm movements. 

The rotator cuff also includes small fluid-filled sacs called bursae. These help to reduce friction between the tendons and other structures in the shoulder, enhancing movement.

Difference between Shoulder Surgery and Rotator Cuff

Shoulder surgery and rotator cuff surgery are surgical procedures to treat different conditions affecting the shoulder joint.

Shoulder replacement surgery, also known as total shoulder arthroplasty, involves replacing damaged or worn-out joint surfaces with artificial implants. Our surgeons may recommend this surgery if you have severe joint pain, stiffness, or arthritis. 

If you have such shoulder issues and conservative treatment options don’t work, our doctors may use total shoulder arthroplasty as a treatment option. Shoulder replacement surgery costs vary depending on your personalized needs and geographic location.

However, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, the estimated shoulder replacement surgery ranges from $14,000-$52,000. During your initial consultation at Sforzo, Dillingham, Stewart Orthopedics + Sports Medicine, our experts evaluate your injury to provide a quote based on your needs. 

The rotator cuff surgery repairs tears in the rotator cuff tendons, which can result from injury or degeneration. Our surgeon can perform the procedure through open or minimally invasive techniques, depending on the tear’s size and location. 

Here are the pros and cons of rotator cuff surgery:


  • Pain relief and improved function in the affected shoulder
  • Motion range restoration
  • Reduced risk of further injury to the rotator cuff
  • Improved quality of life


  • It’s an invasive procedure with associated risks and complications, such as infection, bleeding, and nerve damage.
  • Lengthy recovery period and rehabilitation, requiring physical therapy and lifestyle modifications.
  • Potential for residual pain or weakness in the affected shoulder.
  • Risk of re-tearing or recurring injury to the rotator cuff.

Is Shoulder Replacement Surgery the Same as Rotator Cuff Surgery?

Shoulder replacement surgery and rotator cuff surgery are different surgical procedures for treating various conditions affecting your shoulder joint. Shoulder replacement surgery involves the replacement of damaged or worn-out joint surfaces with artificial implants, while rotator cuff surgery repairs tears in the rotator cuff tendons. 

When you visit Sforzo, Dillingham, Stewart Orthopedics + Sports Medicine, our surgeons will examine the extent of your injury and recommend the appropriate treatment according to your needs.

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 - Anatomy of Shoulder Surgery

The shoulder’s anatomy is complex, comprising several bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments that work together to provide mobility and stability to the joint.

Here are vital parts you need to know:

Clavicle or Collarbone

The clavicle, also known as the collarbone, is a long bone located in the shoulder’s anterior. It connects the shoulder blade to the sternum, forming a critical part of the shoulder girdle. The clavicle stabilizes the shoulder joint, allowing a wide range of arm movements.

The components serve as a point of attachment for multiple muscles and ligaments that support the shoulder joint. Trauma or overuse can cause the clavicle to fracture, leading to pain and discomfort. Depending on the injury, you may require surgical intervention to restore your shoulder’s optimal functioning.

What is the Meaning of Clavicle or Collarbone?

In anatomy, the collarbone is defined as a long, slender bone running horizontally in the upper part of the thorax, between the sternum and the acromion process of the scapula. The medical term for collarbone is the clavicle.

Humerus or Upper Arm Bone

The humerus is a bone between the elbow and shoulder joints.  It is the most prominent bone in the upper limb and is an essential arm component as it connects the shoulder blade to the forearm bones.

In medicine, humerus bone location and function are critical when evaluating shoulder and elbow pain or injury. A fractured humerus bone is a common injury resulting from a direct blow or a fall.

What is the Main Role of the Humerus?

The humerus, or upper arm bone, plays a vital role in arm movement and stability. Its primary function is to provide support and structure to the arm. This enhances movements, including lifting, reaching, and throwing.

Where is the Humerus Bone Located?

The single bone extends from the shoulder to the elbow and runs vertically from the shoulder blade to the elbow joint.

Scapula or Shoulder Blade

The scapula (shoulder blade) is a flat triangular bone in the upper back near the shoulder joint. It connects to the humerus bone at the shoulder joint and the clavicle bone at the acromioclavicular joint.

The bone has a distinctive shape, with a broad base and a narrow, pointed end. It’s covered in bony protrusions, such as the spine and acromion process, which help to anchor and stabilize the shoulder joint. The scapula has a large surface area attaching numerous muscles, allowing a broad motion range in the arm.

What is the Main Role of the Scapula?

The primary scapula function provides stability and mobility to the shoulder joint. The scapula stabilizers, including the scapular musculature, help maintain the proper function of the scapula. The anterior scapular muscles control the scapula’s position during arm movement.

What are the Symptoms of Scapula Pain?

Pain at the scapula may range from dull to sharp and constant to intermittent. The scapular pain symptoms can directly impact the scapula or the surrounding shoulder area. 

What does scapular pain indicate? This condition may show poor posture, injury, or shoulder overuse. 

What does scapula pain feel like? Some patients describe the feeling as an ache or tenderness in the affected area. In some cases, shoulder pain scapular can indicate an underlying medical condition that requires attention. 

To determine the reason for the pain in the scapula, schedule an evaluation with our surgeons at Sforzo, Dillingham, Stewart Orthopedic + Sports Medicine. Our doctors will examine your situation and determine the cause of your shoulder pain scapula. 

Scapula pain symptoms may include the following:

  • Dull to sharp pain in the scapula area or region
  • Constant to intermittent pain
  • Pain directly over the scapula or in the surrounding shoulder area
  • Aching or tenderness in the affected area
  • Decreased shoulder joint motion range

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 - Anatomy of Rotator Cuff

The rotator cuff includes supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis. These muscles attach to the scapula, shoulder blade, and upper arm bone. 

When tears or inflammation occur in these tendons, you experience pain and weakness in the shoulder. In severe cases, you may require physical therapy or surgery to treat the condition. To prevent injury, you should maintain strength in the rotator cuff muscles.


The subscapularis muscle is located in the shoulder area. It is part of the rotator cuff and is considered the most significant muscle in the group. Damage or weakness in the subscapularis can result in shoulder pain and limited mobility.

If you have shoulder pain, it could be due to damage to your subscapularis, and it is best to seek medical help as soon as possible. Speak to specialized surgeons at Sforzo, Dillingham, Stewart Orthopedic + Sports Medicine for intervention. 

Our doctors will examine your shoulder using cutting-edge technologies for proper diagnosis and treatment. You can rest assured of exceptional results with modern and advanced medical devices.


What is the Role of the Subscapularis?

The subscapularis muscle aids in shoulder joint stability and movement. The muscle is located in the upper back region, attaching to the front portion of the scapula and the head of the humerus bone. The primary function of the subscapularis is to mediate the internal rotation of the arm. It contributes to the arm’s movements and adduction.

As a rotator cuff muscle, the subscapularis works with other rotator cuff muscles to provide stability to the shoulder joint. This helps prevent dislocation of the joint during dynamic movements. This muscle plays a role in maintaining proper posture and alignment of the shoulder and spine.

Subscapularis muscle exercises enhance strength, preventing weakness in this muscle as this can lead to instability and injury to the shoulder joint. Consider stretching and strengthening exercises to keep the muscle healthy and functioning correctly.


The infraspinatus muscle is a rotator cuff muscle located in the upper back region of the body. Attachment points for this muscle are on the scapula and the greater tubercle of the humerus bone.

What is the Role of the Infraspinatus?

The infraspinatus muscle enhances the shoulder joint stability and movement. The muscle originates on the scapula and inserts onto the greater tubercle of the humerus bone. It’s located in the upper back region of the body and is supplied by the suprascapular nerve.

The infraspinatus muscle’s primary action is the arm’s external rotation, which helps stabilize the shoulder joint. The infraspinatus muscle contributes to the abduction of the arm. It’s a vital component of the rotator cuff and works with other rotator cuff muscles to provide stability to the shoulder joint, preventing dislocation during dynamic movements.

To prevent shoulder joint instability and injury, you should maintain strength in the infraspinatus muscle. Consider infraspinatus muscle exercises to improve strength and flexibility. This minimizes the risk of infraspinatus pain and injury.

Teres Minor

The teres minor is situated in the upper back region. It connects to the scapula and the greater tubercle of the humerus.

What is the Role of the Teres Minor?

The primary role of the teres minor is to bring about the external rotation of the arm while contributing to the stability of the shoulder joint and arm adduction.

The teres minor and other rotator cuff muscles work together to provide stability to the shoulder joint. This prevents dislocation during movement. It’s vital to maintain the strength of the teres minor to avoid joint instability and injury.


As a part of the rotator cuff muscle group, the supraspinatus is located in the upper back region of the body. The supraspinatus muscle has attachments on the scapula and the greater tubercle of the humerus bone.

What is the Role of the Supraspinatus?

The supraspinatus plays a critical role in the initial movement of abduction of the arm and in providing stability to the shoulder joint.

To maintain optimal function of the supraspinatus muscle, incorporate strengthening and stretching exercises into your exercise routine. This enhances the function of the supraspinatus, improving overall stability and preventing injury to the shoulder joint.

Chapter 5

Chapter 5 - Causes and Symptoms of Shoulder Surgery and Rotator Cuff Problems

Shoulder pain and rotator cuff problems may occur due to multiple factors. If you suspect you have this issue, visit our experts at Sforzo, Dillingham, Stewart Orthopedics + Sports Medicine immediately. This is the best way to get a proper diagnosis and treatment for your shoulder and rotator cuff problems.


Weakness in the rotator cuff muscles, including the supraspinatus, can lead to multiple shoulder joint problems. When the rotator cuff muscles become weak, this can cause instability in the shoulder joint and result in pain and discomfort. Over time, this weakness can progress to rotator cuff tears. This causes significant pain and decreased mobility in the shoulder joint.

If left unattended, rotator cuff problems may require surgery to treat. The procedure repairs or reattaches the damaged or torn rotator cuff tendons to the bone, restoring your shoulder joint strength and stability.

Does a Rotator Cuff Tear Cause Weakness?

The function of the rotator cuff gets compromised when a tear occurs. You may also experience grip and hand weakness. The causes of rotator cuff tears include repetitive overhead arm movements, sudden injury, and a bone spur that rubs against the rotator cuff.

What is Shoulder Weakness?

Shoulder weakness is a common issue many patients describe as a feeling of fatigue or instability in the shoulder joint. It can occur due to weak shoulder muscles or an underlying medical condition. 

Shoulder pain and arm weakness may accompany shoulder weakness. You may experience weakness on one side, such as the right arm and shoulder or the left arm and shoulder, or it can affect both sides. 

In some cases, weakness in the shoulder may involve pain. This causes your shoulder to feel weak and tired during your daily activities. The problem can lead to a decreased range of motion and an inability to perform your day-to-day activities. 

When your shoulder feels weak and tired, don’t hesitate to speak with qualified doctors at Sforzo, Dillingham, Stewart Orthopedics, + Sports Medicine. One of our specialized surgeons will examine your shoulder pain and arm weakness to offer personalized treatment.


Stiffness is a sensation of limited mobility in joints. It is a problem impacting many people. Causes for stiffness may vary, including injury, overuse, or degenerative conditions.

Stiffness can result in decreased range of motion. You may also experience painful movements. This problem requires proper management to improve and prevent further discomfort. 

Depending on the severity of your condition, our doctors can recommend physical therapy and exercise programs to manage shoulder stiffness.

What is Shoulder Stiffness?

Shoulder stiffness is a problem where your shoulder joint feels tight and limited in movement. It can cause discomfort and pain. A stiff neck and shoulder can also develop due to poor posture or injury. 

To alleviate shoulder stiffness, engage in stiff shoulder exercises. This helps to loosen the shoulder joint and increase flexibility. Try gentle rotations, arm swings, and shoulder blade squeeze exercises to improve shoulder mobility. Don’t overdo the exercises, and you should stop if you experience pain.

How Long Does Shoulder Stiffness Last after Rotator Cuff Surgery?

A stiff shoulder and neck can last from a few hours to a few days. If your stiffness is severe or accompanied by other symptoms like headache, fever, or weakness, seek medical attention. Rest, over-the-counter pain relievers, and hot or cold packs can help alleviate neck stiffness. Gentle neck exercises and maintaining good posture can also prevent future stiffness.

Sleeping with a stiff neck and shoulder can be challenging, but using a supportive pillow can help. Choose a pillow that aligns your neck and spine. Consider a memory foam pillow conforming to your neck’s shape. Sleep on your back or switch sides regularly to evenly distribute pressure on your neck and shoulder.

Trouble Lifting Your Arm over Overhead

If you have trouble lifting your arm overhead, it could be a symptom of shoulder pain. This difficulty in movement may indicate a shoulder injury, such as a rotator cuff tear, impingement, or frozen shoulder. Pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint limit your range of motion, making it challenging to perform your daily activities.

If you’re experiencing trouble lifting your arm overhead, seek immediate medical evaluation at Sforzo, Dillingham, Stewart Orthopedics + Sports Medicine. Our orthopedic surgeon may recommend imaging tests to diagnose the underlying shoulder pain cause. 

Imaging tests may include an X-ray or MRI.  Treatment options may include physical therapy, pain medication, or, in severe cases, surgery.

What Causes Trouble Raising Your Arms Overhead?

Multiple issues can lead to trouble raising your arm over your head. One of the primary causes of shoulder injury is a rotator cuff tear, impingement, or dislocation. These injuries lead to pain and limit your range of motion.

Trouble lifting your arm over your head can be due to tight shoulder and neck muscles. These muscles may become tight from overuse, poor posture, or injury, causing discomfort and restricting movement in the shoulder joint. Symptoms include headache, neck pain, and decreased mobility.

A fall or sudden impact can result in trouble lifting your arm over your head. This can lead to a dislocated shoulder, causing pain and limiting your range of motion. Seek medical attention if you experience difficulty lifting your arm over your head after a fall or impact.

What are 2 Warning Signs of a Rotator Cuff Tear?

Pain in the Shoulder

Shoulder pain could be a warning sign of a rotator cuff tear. The pain may become more intense when you lift or reach overhead. This type of pain is often a symptom of a rotator cuff tear.

Weakness in the shoulder

A rotator cuff tear could lead to weakness in your shoulder. This makes it challenging to handle your daily tasks, such as lifting objects, reaching into a cupboard, or putting on a shirt. Weakness in your shoulder may indicate a partial or complete rotator cuff tear.

Pain Occurring Mainly at Night

If you experience shoulder pain mainly at night, you could have a rotator cuff tear. The pain may disrupt your sleep and make it difficult to find a comfortable position.

It’s best to seek immediate medical attention at Sforzo, Dillingham, Stewart Orthopedics + Sports Medicine if shoulder pain at night disrupts your sleep. Our doctor will diagnose your injury and recommend an appropriate rotator cuff tear treatment based on your needs.

What is the Reason for Pain Occurring Mainly at Night?

Pain occurring mainly at night in your shoulder could be due to several factors, including a rotator cuff tear. A tear in these muscles can cause pain in the shoulder, particularly at night when you’re lying in bed and using the shoulder for support.

You could also experience pain in your shoulder at night due to shoulder blade pain, left shoulder pain, or right shoulder pain. Our specialized orthopedic doctor recommends consulting a specialist immediately if you suffer shoulder pain at night. 

A shoulder pain diagnosis chart can help you determine the cause of your pain and guide you toward appropriate treatment options. Seeking early treatment reduces the risk of further injury and enhances your chances of a successful recovery.

How Do I Stop Shoulder Pain at Night?

If you experience shoulder pain at night, you can use a few techniques to relieve the discomfort, including:

  • Sleep on your back with a pillow under your arm for support
  • Don’t sleep on the painful shoulder
  • Use a heating pad or take a warm bath before bed to relax your muscles
  • Stretch your shoulder and perform physical therapy exercises to gain shoulder strength 
  • Consult a specialist for a proper diagnosis if the pain persists

Cracking Sensation When You Move Your Shoulder

A rotator cuff tear can cause a cracking or popping sensation in your shoulder when lifting your arm or reaching overhead. This is due to the rotator cuff tendons or muscles rubbing against the joint’s bony structures.

Why Clicking Sensation When You Move Your Shoulders?

When rotating your shoulder, you may hear a cracking sound. This could indicate a symptom of a rotator cuff tear. If you experience a clicking sensation when turning, along with pain or weakness, you should seek medical help.

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 - Medication

Medication is one of the treatment options for rotator cuff tears. You can manage pain by taking pain relievers, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Your doctor may prescribe stronger pain medications or anti-inflammatory drugs if necessary.

Effectiveness of Medications

Medications can effectively manage the pain associated with a rotator cuff tear. Over-the-counter pain pills such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen can relieve mild to moderate pain. If you have severe pain, your doctor may prescribe the most potent pain medication available.

What is the Most Effective Pain Medication for Shoulder Surgery Recovery?

The best pain medication after shoulder surgery depends on the severity of your pain and individual health factors.

Your doctor may prescribe nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen to relieve pain and reduce swelling. They may recommend a stronger medication for more severe pain, such as acetaminophen with codeine.

Important Side Effects of Pain Medications

Potential side effects of pain medications may range from mild to severe. Common side effects include stomach upset, nausea, and drowsiness. More serious side effects can include liver or kidney damage, bleeding, and decreased breathing rate.

During your initial consultation, talk to your doctor about your health conditions and the medications you currently use. They will help you determine the best pain medication plan and monitor for potential side effects.

What is the Best Pain Medication for Rotator Cuff Surgery and Shoulder Pain?

After rotator cuff surgery, your doctor will recommend the best pain medication, depending on your customized needs. They consider factors such as your health conditions and the severity of pain. For shoulder pain, your doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory medication.

Types of Medications

Various medications are available to treat pain, swelling, and other symptoms. Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen, are readily available without a prescription. Prescription medications, such as opioids and muscle relaxants, are only available with a doctor’s order.

What are the Top Medications for Rotator Cuff Surgery & Shoulder Pain?

Our doctors may prescribe pain relievers for rotator cuff pain, including ibuprofen or acetaminophen. They may prescribe anti-inflammatory medication to help reduce swelling and pain. 

For chronic shoulder pain, physical therapy and over-the-counter pain relievers may help. Our doctors may prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in severe cases.

Injections of corticosteroids or lubricants provide rotator cuff pain relief. Talk to your doctor to determine the best course of treatment for you, including rotator cuff tear therapies.

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 - How to Recover from Shoulder Surgery Faster

Start physical therapy according to our doctor’s recommendations to recover from shoulder surgery faster. This helps you restore your motion range and shoulder strength. 

Follow our doctor’s instructions for taking pain medication and keeping your incision clean and dry. Get plenty of rest and avoid lifting heavy objects to allow your shoulder to heal.

Maintain a healthy diet and avoid smoking to improve your overall healing process.

Stay consistent with physical therapy exercises and attend all follow-up appointments with your doctor. This will help ensure a successful recovery and minimize the risk of complications.

Pain Management

Pain management after a rotator cuff tear surgery aims at reducing or relieving pain. Depending on your situation, our surgeon at Sforzo, Dillingham, Stewart Orthopedics, + Sports Medicine will recommend an effective pain management plan.

How Do You Manage Pain after Shoulder Surgery?

To reduce pain after shoulder surgery, focus on appropriate pain management techniques. Take prescribed medications and utilize ice or heat therapy, as our doctor recommends. Gentle shoulder exercises can alleviate pain.

It is best to follow our surgeon’s guidelines for physical activity, including: 

  • Avoid tasks causing discomfort.
  • Try shoulder pain after-surgery remedies such as massages or physiotherapy to aid recovery. 
  • Get adequate sleep and proper nutrition to enhance healing
  • Focus on post-shoulder surgery pain relief for a smooth and speedy recovery.


Rehabilitation helps to strengthen your shoulder and enhance your motion range. Besides successful recovery, it can prevent future shoulder issues.

What is Shoulder Rehabilitation?

Shoulder rehabilitation is a process to improve your shoulder’s strength, motion range, and overall function. Your rehabilitation program is customized and divided into stages, starting with simple exercises and gradually becoming more advanced. Physical therapy and wand exercises for the shoulder are vital components.

How Many Types of Rehabilitation Stages?

There are five stages of shoulder rehabilitation. These ensure a successful recovery and return to regular activity. They include the following:

  • Protection stage
  • Regaining motion range
  • Strengthening stage
  • Enhancing shoulder stability
  • Return to the activity stage


Outcome measures assess the effectiveness of shoulder rehabilitation and track progress.

What are the Outcome Measures?

Outcome measures are tools for assessing the effectiveness of rehabilitation and tracking progress.

How to Calculate Outcome Measures for Shoulder Dislocation?

Calculating outcome measures for shoulder dislocation involves assessing pain, range of motion, strength, and function.

  • Pain: Use a pain scale to rate discomfort before and after rehabilitation.
  • Range of Motion: Measure the ability to move the shoulder in multiple directions before and after rehabilitation.
  • Strength: Assess the strength of shoulder muscles before and after rehabilitation using a hand-held dynamometer.
  • Function: Evaluate the ability to perform daily activities, sports, or work-related tasks before and after rehabilitation.


Like any other surgical procedure, complications can occur after shoulder surgery. At Sforzo, Dillingham, Stewart Orthopedics + Sports Medicine, our surgeons explain everything before the surgery. 

What are the Complications of Shoulder Surgery?

When complications occur after shoulder surgery, this impacts the procedure’s success. Possible issues may include:

  • Infections
  • Nerve or blood vessel injury
  • Stiffness
  • Pain
  • Instability

Know Recovery Times Can Vary

Shoulder surgery recovery times vary greatly following the procedure. Age, overall health, and type of surgery impact recovery.

Regardless of the specifics, follow your doctor’s instructions and attend physical therapy appointments to ensure proper healing. Keep in mind that each step of the recovery process may take longer or shorter than expected.

How Fast Does the Shoulder Recover?

Following shoulder replacement surgery, you can expect a recovery time of several months. This includes physical therapy and rehabilitation to regain strength and mobility.

For arthroscopic shoulder surgery, recovery is quicker, with a return to normal activities within several weeks. However, this may vary based on the extent of the procedure and your healing rate. Recovery can take several months of physical therapy for a torn labrum without surgery.

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 - Things You Need After/Post-Shoulder Surgery

Following shoulder surgery, you should have the recommended tools to make the recovery process smooth and improve success chances. These include:

Detachable Showerhead

The detachable showerhead allows you to clean comfortably without straining your affected arm or shoulder. Stand under the gentle spray, letting water soothe and relax sore muscles. Gradually increase water pressure as the incision area heals and strength returns. 

Use the detachable showerhead for easier shampooing. Elevate your impacted arm, as this helps to minimize swelling. After a shower, gently pat the incision area dry. Report any unusual symptoms to your doctor.

What is a Detachable Shower Head?

A detachable showerhead is a showerhead that you can remove from the main unit. After shoulder surgery, you need a detachable showerhead to make bathing comfortable and easy. The showerhead with a detachable sprayer allows you to direct water flow where you need it. 

To get the best detachable showerhead, consider factors such as water pressure, adjustability, and ease of use. Look for a showerhead with a reasonable flow rate and the ability to adjust the spray pattern.

Shower Chair

A shower chair is a must-have after shoulder surgery. It lets you avoid standing for long periods and putting weight on the impacted shoulder.

What is the Purpose of a Shower Chair?

Showering after rotator cuff surgery can be challenging. Using a shower chair can help reduce stress on your shoulder while showering. It allows you to sit while washing and minimizes the need to stand and use your arms by providing stability and support.

Waterproof Bandages or Plastic Bags and Athletic Tape

Waterproof bandages, plastic bags, and athletic tape after shoulder surgery helps keep your incision dry while showering. Protecting the incision from moisture is best to prevent infection and promote healing.

Athletic tape or plastic bags cover your incision. Apply the tape or protect the incision with a plastic bag and secure it with a waterproof bandage. This will prevent water from seeping into the incision while showering.

What are Waterproof Bandages?

Waterproof bandages are designed to keep moisture out and prevent your incision from getting wet. This promotes healing and prevents infection.

Waterproof bandages are necessary for shoulder wound protection after rotator cuff surgery. You can apply them over your dressing to keep it dry during showering. This maintains a clean and dry environment for your incision, which is essential for healing.

When it’s time for bandage removal after shoulder surgery, removing waterproof bandages is straightforward. They keep your dressing in place and prevent it from slipping, even when wet. This makes dressing after shoulder surgery much easier and less stressful.

What Type of Bandage is Waterproof?

This bandage is designed to keep moisture out, making it ideal for showering or swimming. It is also resistant to water, sweat, and other liquids.

A waterproof bandage consists of a plastic or silicone material. It forms a barrier around your incision, keeping it dry and protected. This bandage is durable and flexible, making it comfortable to wear during daily activities.

How Do You Eliminate a Pain Pump after Shoulder Surgery?

A pain pump, also known as an intrathecal pain pump, is a device that delivers pain medication directly to the spinal cord. It is used after rotator cuff surgery to manage pain.

Removing the pain pump requires a healthcare professional. The process involves disconnecting the pump from the catheter and removing the pump. Our surgeons follow the appropriate procedure when removing a pain pump, such as Medtronic or Ambit, to minimize complication risks.

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 - The Role of Sforzo, Dillingham, Stewart Orthopedics + Sports Medicine

The team at Sforzo, Dillingham, Stewart Orthopedics + Sports Medicine consists of specialized doctors to provide reliable shoulder pain and rotator cuff tear treatment. We use the latest technologies to handle various conditions and injuries.

How Can Sforzo, Dillingham, Stewart Orthopedics + Sports Medicine Help?

When you seek our help for your shoulder pain, a specialized doctor will work with you, offering a customized treatment program. The surgeon will examine your injury for a proper diagnosis and recommendations.

How Do I Choose the Best Medical Hospital for Shoulder Surgery?

Choosing the best medical hospital for shoulder surgery is a critical decision that can impact recovery. There are numerous factors to consider when making this choice, such as: 

  • Consider the expertise of the hospital in shoulder surgery
  • Research the hospital’s reputation and track record
  • Consider the hospital’s facilities and resources
  • Think about your hospital stay

Get a Reliable Treatment and Surgery for Shoulder Pain Today

A shoulder injury can be debilitating, preventing you from performing your daily activities. If you have this condition, you should seek medical help immediately before the problem advances. At Sforzo, Dillingham, Stewart Orthopedics + Sports Medicine, we’re here to provide proper diagnosis and treatment for your shoulder pain. Contact us today!